
We could not do the work that we do without the many volunteers and supporters who make our mission possible. Because of you, we are able to maintain our beautiful campus grounds and provide for many of our children’s and staff’s needs.
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Volunteer group with aprons on


Volunteer group with aprons on
We could not do the work that we do without the many volunteers and supporters who make our mission possible. Because of you, we are able to maintain our beautiful campus grounds and provide for many of our children’s and staff’s needs.
To sign up for any of the opportunities below, click

Upcoming Opportunities to Serve

Serve Saturdays

Family Friendly

Join us for an “all hands on deck” morning of helping the ministry of Eagle Ranch.

Typical projects include maintaining and beautifying our500-acre outdoor sanctuary, facility cleaning and repairs, clearing horse trails, painting fences and the like. Basically, whatever needs have accumulated on any given Saturday. Many hands make for light work. Hundreds of hours are served each year through this program, and it is a significant help in keeping our maintenance and landscaping costs down.

Serve Saturdays are from 9am-12pm with an optional 15-minute campus bus tour at the end. They serve as a great “first exposure” to our ministry.

Customized Group Projects

Family Friendly

Eagle Ranch will create a custom project for your group if you are able to gather 8 or more people AND are available to serve during the week (Monday-Friday, from 9am-5pm.) This allows us to maximize the help and supervision available from our staff during regular working hours without them having to take time away from their families in the evenings or weekends. Past projects have included planting flowers, organizing closets and special areas, deep cleaning a home or chapel, cooking a meal for one of our homes, writing notes and preparing baskets of encouragement for our children and staff. There are many opportunities based on your group’s interests and abilities.

Church and Business Groups have also volunteered to do cookouts for our campus. Blessing our boys’ homes or girls’ homes (or both) with an outdoor cookout is a fun way to connect with our ministry and provide a night off from cooking. These are typically done on Sunday afternoons or during summer months.

Random Acts of Kindness & Administrative Support

Family Friendly

From time to time, we like to bless our friends and donors with special notes or gifts. This means that coffee mugs need to be filled with candy, envelopes need to be stuffed and packages need to be tied up with bows. Across the Ranch, there is also a variety of administrative work that needs attention. If you like to work with your hands, chat with your friends and bless others, this is a wonderful opportunity to spread some love. If you would like to be added to our list of friends to call when it’s time to spread some cheer, please consider signing up to be on our Random Acts of Kindness contact list.

Meal Provider Program

Family Friendly

Imagine cooking for up to 10 people every single day! This is what our houseparents do, day in and day out. We have several volunteers who have adopted a home and cook dinner for them one night a month – this is such a blessing! If you would like to gather some of your friends and bless our houseparents and children in this way, please sign up on our VolunteerHub page.

Prayer Team

Family Friendly

EagleRanch is a praying community of caregivers! We could not do anything in this ministry if not first for prayer, and we invite you to engage with us on campus. Sign up to join our monthly prayer gathering, and feel free to bring a friend along.

Event Support Team

Throughout the year, Eagle Ranch and The Wings Center host a variety of events and retreats. We would love servant hearted volunteers to help with a variety of event related tasks including setup, cleanup, supply pickup/drop-off, etc. If you're interested in being contacted the next time we are in need of event help, please signup, and we will gratefully add you to the list. 

Flexible Serving Opportunities

Family Friendly

We often have friends who are unable to visit but still want to pour into our ministry. Below are some ideas to have an impact without having to be on our campus. Our prayer is these are ideas starters, and they may spark other ideas to utilize your unique gifts and talents to help our mission.These flexible opportunities can be done anytime, anywhere, and with as many people as you want. Feel free to choose from a listed opportunity or make up your own!

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